Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
A keystone of the new TELEHOUSE offering is the delivery of proven Business Continuity Management services that will optimize and can automate the entire lifecycle of Business Continuity Management from initial Business Continuity Planning (BCP) to change management through real-time support of incident management and Disaster Recovery.

Unavoidable downtime is a situation that no company wants to experience, but unfortunately it does occur and there is a high chance that every business will be impacted from this at one stage or another.
There are more threats to data than ever before, with potential challenges arising from power outages, major IT disruptions, fire hazards, human error and – most recently –terrorism. Realistically, though, the highest threat comes from less publicised issues such as general power failure and human error and it is these that concern the IT manager most.
Purpose-built data centers are designed to overcome these potential problems, automated and manned systems are in place to carefully monitor processes 24 hours a day. Downtime is dramatically reduced due to back-up systems and the threat of data loss is virtually nil when IT equipment and data back-up is housed externally in an offsite high security environment, a service which TELEHOUSE has been providing for over 20 years.