France Data Centers

Why locate your Data Center in France?

France is ranked as the world’s seventh largest and the EU's second largest economy by purchasing power parity. As home to 31 of the Fortune Global 500 companies in 2013, France accommodates more Fortune 500 companies than any other European country. Being Europe’s third largest telecoms market, France offers an ideal environment for expansion in the data center sector, as the country is recognised for its highly skilled engineers and technicians, along with its secure electricity supply and legal framework aimed for data protection.
- France is the third largest ICT market in Europe and a growth market for high-tech and innovative companies with the highest number of science graduates in Europe and many of the international top company’s R&D centers located here.
- Paris is dominating as France’s data center hub, accounting for over 70% of the country’s total data center footprint.
- The French government heavily invests in the digitalisation of its economy with initiatives including a €20billion investment in high-speed broadband coverage to reach every household in France within the next 10 years and a further € 150 million for research and development as part of the “Investments into the Future” project, which includes security and cloud computing.
TELEHOUSE France Data Centers

TELEHOUSE has been operating data centers in France since 1996, by establishing TELEHOUSE Jeûneurs as first neutral colocation data center in Paris. Today, TELEHOUSE offers colocation services in 3 Paris locations and in addition provides the core network for the country’s key internet exchange France IX, making them the major network hub in Paris. Telehouse also work in partnership with KDDI France to provide end-to-end ICT solutions to its France data center customers.
Paris Data Centers

TELEHOUSE Paris data centers are the primary home to the France’s main internet exchange France IX, making them an essential component of the core network for the country’s IT systems. TELEHOUSE began its European expansion with the opening of TELEHOUSE Paris Jeûneurs (opened 1996) and additional data centers in Paris including TELEHOUSE Voltaire (opened 1999) and TELEHOUSE Magny-Les-Hameaux (opened 2009) which is located on a former military site, 30min from the Paris’ center. TELEHOUSE Paris data centers have over 17 years’ experience hosting the mission critical systems of multinational corporations including gaming/media, finance, IT service providers telecoms companies and some of the world’s most recognised luxury retail brands.
Why choose TELEHOUSE Paris data centers?
Facilitating Paris’ Internet Hub
TELEHOUSE Paris data centershosts Paris’ foremost internet hub given that over 80% of France IX’s internet traffic travels through its TELEHOUSE Voltaire data center which also hosts over 70 national and international carriers making it the most connected data center in France.
Space for future Growth
With TELEHOUSE Magny-Les-Hameaux offering 66,000 square metres of raised floor space, TELEHOUSE owns a large capacity of the carrier neutral data center space in Paris which allows for future growth of its customer base and their businesses.
Meeting increasing Power Requirements
In the Magny-Les-Hameaux facility, power is available at 2 kW per square metre which can be extended to 6 kW per square metre and above to cater to the increasing power requirements of French data center customers. As one of very few premium data centers in the French market, it can provide non-standard rack space bundles of power of up to 20 kW.
Offering Virtual Data Center Services
Combining the security physical with the flexibility of virtual data center services to meet business challenges, TELEHOUSE offer fully managed cloud solutions in its Paris data centers.